Hello, my name is Jaromir Kosik. I am a court interpreter and translator of the texts of English and German in Czech and from Czech into English and German. I provide translations for the citizens, state authorities, courts and the Police of the Czech Republic.

Knihy - právo

Officially aproved translation for the court, authorities and citizens

Officially aproved court translation is a document as a diploma, the birth certificate, wedding list, outscript from the crime register etc which is required by the authorities. Translation can be done only by the translater who is officially aproved by the Court. The official court translation is attached to the original document with the notary verified copy.An interpreter´s licence with the official round Court stamp  is attached to the translation to atest the correction and the verification of the translated document. The interpreter´s licence is written in the same language as the original of the document so that such a document can be presented to authorities not only in this country, but also abroad.

The documets and texts I translate

  • The birth certificates, wedding lists, drivers licences, university  and high schools diplomas, School reports, apprentice certificates, divorce documents etc.

  • I translate and interprete at  conferences, business sessions,wedding ceremonies etc.

  • I translate legal documents, engineering texts, economics documents, texts dealing with linguistics and literary texts in English and German.

Verification of the translated documents

As an interpreter appointed by the Region Court in Brno, a round court stamp was issued to me by this Authority which has a legal validity for the texts I translate and which is necessary for verification of the translation for official authorities use.


I am a graduate of the Faculty of letters of The Uiversity Jana Evangelisty Purkyně in Brno, (now Masaryk University in Brno). I studied English and Czech, I have a University diploma for these subjects and I passed a language state Exam in German at the State Language school in Hodonín. I carry out the translation praxis since 1991

The price for the translation

The price for one page of the written text is 350 Kč
The price for one hour of the translation  is 350 Kč

(the norm page: 1800 signs the spaces included)


Jaromír kosík - soudní překladatel

Jaromír Kosík

Dolní 121, 691 55 Moravská Nová Ves
mobile: +420 724 756 684, tel.: +420 519 342 112
e-mail: info@prekladykosik.cz
IČ: 43409288

I Accept the orders personally, by post or on an e-mail adress Yours sincerely